the children of adam

children of adam (med)_1152677390.jpg

first, there were the children of Adam

bones built from dirt

tongues naming the inert

and exchanging birth

for blame

in order to usurp

the gateway

to the entire game

and in so doing

bifurcating the deep

into a rhizome

across the wet earth

that we so claimed

and for a long time

it was this way

an epoch

of subjugation

and silence

and subservience

and violence

—a long drought

that saw grasslands

turn to sand

mirage properties raised

on horizons hazed

glowing bright enough

to blot out

the dotted ink

of the night sky

until everything

was owned so thoroughly

that we broke open

the core of this reality

creating the only kind of doorway

we were capable of

—an explosive birth

into reason and science

and releasing

as a corollary

the children of the atom

so now we run free

and the earth feels the weight of our feet

our investigations into light

grown so heavy

that the reality we tread on

has begun to groan,

to bend and warp

under the widening vision

of its own creation


and fixated on

the mysteries

of its own existence

Hear this!

Hear this!

comes the cry

see what our surgery

reveals to us

of the nature

hidden in myth

of the blueprints

of the architecture

you’ve disguised yourself in

maker, no longer

if you did not wish to unveil yourself

you shouldn’t have

because presently

it appears

it's leaving your hands

as everything

is cleaved down

to the solitary question

of your belief

in the reality

of now

or too late


or deflation

terror & tribulation

or marriage

in the very marrow

of the earth

turning over,

now exposed,

in a moment

transcending both

into one

that will wait

no longer

poems & imagesk.w.nicol